Once Upon a Time...

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The cold-blooded massacre committed against hundreds of Palestinian civilians sheltering in the Baptist Hospital  (Ahli Arabi Hospital) in Gaza City by Israeli occupation forces (IOF) will forever remain a stain on the conscience of humanity that has been witnessing the horrors committed against the Palestinian people without taking action to stop it.
Every rule of international law is being shredded as thousands are mercilessly massacred and millions of people are being stripped of their humanity, subjected to wanton killing, starvation and forced transfer, with no end in sight as Israeli occupying forces (IOF) continue to pound the Gaza Strip, with thousands of missiles and bombs targeting civilian areas by air, land and sea and threats to commit mass murders.
There must be a halt to this depravity and the international community, in particular the SC must act now to condemn and  end this carnage & unhinged impunity. The MFAE will take every possible action to stop this criminality and hold the perpetrators accountable.

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