Once Upon a Time...

Statement issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates- - State of Palestine
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Statement issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates- - State of Palestine

Israel is unabashedly defying the ICJ’s ruling and provisional orders as it continues with its genocidal acts and incitement. In addition to its undeterred campaign of slaughter and mass destruction, several high level Israeli cabinet members and parliamentarians joined settler terrorist groups in a conference that openly and publicly endorsed genocide, war crimes, and the forcible transfer of the Palestinian people, as well as the annexation of the occupied Gaza Strip and their replacement by Israeli settlers.   

Israel is employing and weaponizing every mean available to fulfil the Nakba by genocide, siege, starvation, torture, aggression, killing, destruction, war crimes, crimes against humanity. 

Israel is a rogue state and must be stopped. 

The State of Palestine calls on states to fulfill their legal obligations under the Genocide Convention and implement the provisional measures ordered by the International Court of Justice, including by immediately providing protection for the Palestinian people, imposing sanctions and an arms embargo on Israel. 

Those who continue to support Israel are complicit in its genocide and the State of Palestine will take every legal diplomatic, and political action to hold them accountable for their complicity.

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